Natural Pet Supplements

Hyperthyroid Support Herbal Tincture for Cats 100ml


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- Balance thyroid hormones and normalise thyroid function
- Promote a calm nervous system and normal heart rhythm
- Support regular rest and sleep
- Promote a healthy and shiny coat
- Support general wellbeing

Is your fabulous feline strangely eating more but looking lanky? They could be suffering from Hyperthyroidism. 

Middle-aged and senior felines are highly susceptible to Hyperthyroidism. It occurs when the thyroid produces too many hormones, speeding up the metabolism. It will often result in an overstimulated heart, digestive and nervous system.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism in cats:

- Unusual or sudden weight loss
- Scruffy or dull coat
- Hyperactivity and irritability
- Increased appetite and water intake
- Frequent urination
- Poor digestion, diarrhoea or vomiting
- Vocalisation
- Depression or lethargy

Hyperthyroid Support helps lower circulating thyroid hormones in your cat’s body. This formula is crafted with revitalising, natural herbs that help support a calm nervous system and maintain healthy heart function. 

Keeping the thyroid function balanced is essential for your cat’s general health and long-term wellness. The good news is you can use this effective formula indefinitely to improve the comfort and quality of your cat’s life. 

The herbs used in Hyperthyroid Support have no known side effects, so they are safe for everyday use. This formula cannot be used in conjunction with pharmaceutical medications for Hyperthyroidism. For use in cats only. 

Untreated Hyperthyroidism in cats can cause major strain on the heart and kidneys. Natural or conventional treatment is crucial to managing this serious condition. If left untreated, Hyperthyroidism can be fatal. Please consult your Vet or Natural Pet Supplements for more information. 

Natural Pet Supplements

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