Best Ways To Wash Your Beddings And Decrease Health Risk

NICOLE ENAD     14th May 2024

Best Ways To Wash Your Beddings And Decrease Health Risk

In our article, we have identified the root causes behind an unhygienic sleeping environment and the potential problems they can bring. Now let’s understand how we can tackle these efficiently so you and your loved ones can sleep in a safe, healthy bed.

The good news is, though the problem is complex and severe, the solutions are relatively simple. We have broken down the process to ensure a clean bed into two parts: prevention and protection. Both of these are essential for the best results.

I. Prevention - Cleaning and Maintaining

The goal of ‘prevention’ is to always have your bed linen clean. This includes preventing contamination and cleaning them thoroughly to get rid of dust and germs.

How Often Should You Wash Beddings?

1. Sheets:

Ideally, you should wash your sheets once a week.

Sheets come into direct contact with your skin every night, so they accumulate sweat, dead skin cells, oils, and allergens. Washing them weekly helps remove these contaminants and prevents the buildup of dust mites, which can exacerbate allergies and respiratory issues.

2. Pillowcases:

Pillowcases should also be washed weekly, or even more frequently if you have oily or acne-prone skin.

Like sheets, pillowcases accumulate oils, sweat, and dead skin cells. Washing them regularly prevents these contaminants from transferring back onto your skin and hair, reducing the risk of acne and other skin issues.

3. Blankets:

Depending on the season and usage, blankets should be washed every 1-2 months.

While blankets don't come into direct contact with your skin like sheets and pillowcases, they still collect dust, pet dander, and other allergens over time. Washing them regularly helps maintain a clean sleeping environment and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

4. Comforters/Duvets:

Comforters and duvets can be washed every 2-3 months, or as needed.

These bulky bedding items can be more challenging to wash frequently, but they still collect dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens. Using a duvet cover can help prolong the time between washes, as you can simply wash the cover more frequently while keeping the comforter itself protected.

5. Mattress Protectors:

Mattress protectors should be washed every 1-2 months.

Mattress protectors serve as a barrier between your mattress and potential spills, stains, and allergens. Washing them regularly helps maintain their effectiveness and ensures that your mattress stays clean and hygienic.

How to Wash your Bedsheets, Pillow Covers, Duvets

We suggest two ways to wash your bed linen. Alternating these washing methods will ensure your sheets are always clean while keeping the load light on you.

Simple Machine Wash

For a simple machine wash, you can throw your sheets into the washer as normal. Opt for hot water and a heavy-duty cycle for a good intense clean. Please make sure to review your products washing instructions. If you cannot wash on hot water, consider a laundry additive such DeMite.

Thorough Deep Clean

Fill a bucket with hot water. To this, add either baking soda and vinegar or a detergent of your choice. Soak your bedsheet, pillow cover, and duvet in this mixture for 20 minutes.

Once soaked well, the linen can be put in the washing machine for a heavy-duty wash cycle with hot water or per your product’s washing instructions and a preferred laundry additive.

This deep clean will help you get rid of any lingering germs and bacteria.

II. Protection - Securing your Mattresses and Pillows from Damage

Using protectors for your mattress, pillow covers, and duvets can:

  • Offer protection from germs, bacteria, allergens, and bedbugs.
  • Make cleaning easier.
  • Protect your furnishings from water, food, drinks, sweat, and other contamination.
  • Extend the life of your products.

Other Methods You Can Use to Clean Beddings:

  1. Hot Water and Detergent: Regularly wash your bedding in hot water (at least 130°F or 54°C) with a detergent that is suitable for your linens. Hot water helps kill dust mites and bacteria.
  2. Hypoallergenic Laundry Detergent: Use hypoallergenic laundry detergents that are free of dyes and perfumes, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies.
  3. Vinegar: Adding white vinegar to the rinse cycle can help remove any lingering odors and disinfect your bedding. It's a natural antibacterial agent and can also help soften your linens.
  4. Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda over your mattress before vacuuming to absorb odors and moisture. Baking soda also has natural cleaning properties.
  5. Steam Cleaning: Consider using a steam cleaner on your mattress and pillows to kill dust mites and bacteria. Steam cleaning can penetrate deep into the fabric and effectively sanitize.
  6. Mattress Protectors: Invest in mattress and pillow protectors that are waterproof and hypoallergenic. These can prevent spills, stains, and allergens from penetrating your mattress and pillows.
  7. Regular Vacuuming: Vacuum your mattress and pillows regularly to remove dust, dead skin cells, and other debris. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to trap smaller particles.
  8. Sunlight: Whenever possible, expose your bedding to direct sunlight. Sunlight has natural disinfectant properties and can help freshen your linens.
  9. Air Purification: Use an air purifier in your bedroom to help remove airborne contaminants and improve air quality, which can contribute to a cleaner sleeping environment.

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