​5 Simple Ways to improve Intimacy

CARLO MALOLOYON     21st Feb 2024

​5 Simple Ways to improve Intimacy

What is intimacy?

Intimacy is about feeling close and connected in your personal relationships. It's that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you're really tight with someone. This closeness happens when you build a strong bond with someone through knowing each other well and sharing experiences.

Real intimacy in relationships needs good communication, honesty, being open about your feelings, and giving back as much as you receive. It's a two-way street. The more you share about yourself, your time, your thoughts, your experiences, the closer you become. Think of intimacy like a beautiful song played with love, trust, and understanding.

Keeping intimacy alive in relationships is like taking care of a delicate garden. It takes time, attention, and a willingness to open up and be vulnerable. In this blog, we will talk about simple ways to improve intimacy.

How to improve intimacy?

1) Good communication is key - Real closeness thrives when you can talk openly without worrying about being judged. Listen with the intent to understand and not react. Allow empathy to be the bridge that connects different points of view.

2) Embrace Vulnerability - it's something we often try to avoid because we associate it with weakness. But the truth is, vulnerability is what makes us truly human and connects us on a deeper level. When we open up about our fears, dreams, and insecurities with our partner, we're allowing them to see us for who we really are, flaws and all. And that's where real intimacy flourishes.

We're all unique with our own quirks, passions, and perspectives, and that's what makes things interesting. Instead of trying to mould each other into some ideal, why not celebrate those differences? It's like mixing contrasting colours to create a beautiful masterpiece. Each individual aspect adds depth and richness to the relationship.

3) Be there for each other - You can easily get caught up in all sorts of distractions, one of the best things you can do for your loved ones is simply be present. That means putting away your phones, tuning out the noise around you, and really paying attention to each other. Have those heart-to-heart talks, enjoy quiet moments together, and find joy in just being in each other's company. Physical closeness and love making is important, but true intimacy goes beyond that. It's about sharing interests, going on adventures, and appreciating the little things in life together. Those everyday moments might seem ordinary, but they're actually where your connection grows strongest.

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4) Self-Care - Is about cultivating a strong sense of self-love and self-awareness. Make sure to put your own well-being first, both physically and emotionally, and encourage your partner to do the same. When you’re truly at peace with yourselves, you can authentically give our all to your partner.

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5) Practice Gratitude - Make sure to show gratitude in your relationship. Take a moment to appreciate the good things your partner does for you every day, whether it's a kind smile, a loving hug, or a thoughtful action. Recognizing and being thankful for these small gestures helps strengthen the bond between you two and creates a feeling of mutual appreciation.

Building closeness in relationships is a shared journey. It's about two people connecting deeply as they go through life's ups and downs together. It takes understanding, kindness, and being open to being vulnerable with each other. But when we're truly close, it brings comfort, happiness, and a strong feeling of belonging that adds richness to life.

Sometimes, when things get tough in a relationship, it's okay to seek support. Talking to a relationship counsellor or attending a workshop together can help you and your partner work through challenges and strengthen your bond.

Remember, it is normal to have ups and downs in your relationship, and building and maintaining intimacy is part of having a fulfilling relationship.

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AngliCare Southern Queensland. (n.d.). Intimacy. Retrieved on 07 Feb 2024 fromhttps://www.betterrelationships.org.au/relationships/intimacy/

BetterHealth Channel. (n.d.). Intimacy. Retrieved on 07 Feb 2024 fromhttps://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/relationships-creating-intimacy

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