​How I Clean My Nails And Must-Have Tools You Need

NICOLE ENAD     10th Jan 2024

​How I Clean My Nails And Must-Have Tools You Need

As someone passionate about self-care and grooming, I've decided to share my experiences, tips, and must-have tools for achieving the perfect manicure. Let's dive into the secrets behind how I keep my nails in top-notch condition.

Cleanse and Prepare:

The first step to achieving impeccable nails is to start with a clean canvas. I always begin by gently removing any old polish with a non-acetone remover. This sets the stage for a fresh start. Next, I soak my nails in warm, soapy water to soften the cuticles and make the overall cleaning process more comfortable.

Must-Have Tools:

  1. Cuticle Softener: A cuticle softener is a game-changer in my nail care routine. It helps to soften the cuticles, making them easier to push back or remove. Applying a small amount and allowing it to sit for a few minutes ensures a painless and effective cuticle care routine.
  2. Cuticle Nipper and Pusher: Precision is key when it comes to shaping the cuticles. A quality cuticle nipper and pusher combo is essential for removing excess skin and maintaining a neat, tidy appearance. Be sure to use them gently to avoid any damage to the delicate nail bed.
  3. Nail File or Buff: Achieving the perfect nail shape is a breeze with the right tools. Whether you prefer a classic file or a buffing block, these tools help shape and smooth the edges of your nails. Regular use helps prevent snags and keeps your nails looking polished.
  4. Brush: A soft-bristled brush is my go-to for cleaning under the nails and removing any debris. Regular brushing not only keeps your nails clean but also stimulates blood flow to the nail bed, promoting healthy nail growth.
  5. Cuticle Oil: Nourishing your nails is just as important as cleaning them. I swear by cuticle oil to hydrate and strengthen my nails. Applying a drop of cuticle oil regularly keeps the nails and surrounding skin moisturized, preventing dryness and promoting flexibility.

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