​What are the benefits of heart salt?

CARLO MALOLOYON     1st Feb 2024

​What are the benefits of heart salt?

We've all heard the endless lectures about salt and keeping our distance from it for the sake of a healthy life. But what if I told you that not all salt is bad? There's this thing called "heart salt," and trust me, it's not your average table salt. Let’s explore the wonders of this not-so-secret ingredient that could be a game-changer for your heart.

What is salt?

Ever wondered about salt? When you think of salt, the chances are its table salt that you picture. You know, the stuff you sprinkle on your fries or find in your kitchen cabinet. It’s technically known as Common Salt or NaCl.

The term "salt" finds its roots in the Latin word "sal," signifying salt. In historical contexts, salt held significant value, even serving as a form of currency in trade. Interestingly, our modern concept of "salary" has linguistic ties to the very essence of salt.

Throughout history, salt has played different roles, ranging from enhancing flavours to preserving food. Its applications extend to tanning, dyeing, bleaching, as well as contributing to the manufacturing of pottery, soap, and chlorine. Today, salt has established its presence in the chemical industry.

So, what's the deal with "Heart Salt"?

Not all salt is out to get you. Potassium-enriched salts or commonly known as low-sodium salt, potassium salt, heart salt, mineral salt, or sodium-reduced salt, offer a health-conscious alternative to traditional table salt, swapping out a portion of sodium chloride with potassium chloride. These options present a subtle yet impactful change for those mindful of their cardiovascular health.

It's made up of 75 per cent sodium chloride and 25 per cent potassium chloride. It’s a product that looks like, tastes like, can be used just like regular salt, but it doesn’t have as much sodium promoting a heart-friendly lifestyle.

The effectiveness of potassium-enriched salt in blood pressure management stems from its dual action: not only does it reduce sodium intake, but it also boosts potassium consumption. A deficiency in potassium, primarily derived from fruits and vegetables, constitutes a significant contributor to elevated blood pressure. By incorporating potassium-enriched salt into your diet, you not only enhance flavour but also take a proactive step towards maintaining a healthy blood pressure level.

Keeping that Blood Pressure in Check

Let's dive into why "heart salt" is stealing the spotlight. One of its superpowers? Keeping your blood pressure in check. Those minerals I mentioned earlier? They team up to balance out the sodium levels, making sure your blood pressure doesn't go off the charts. And we all know that a happy blood pressure is like a golden ticket to reducing your risk of heart problems.

As many as one in three Australian adults have high blood pressure and even those who aren’t diagnosed with hypertension, but have elevated blood pressure, have increased risk of health problems. Even if you only drop blood pressure by one or two per cent across the population, you prevent thousands and thousands of strokes and heart attacks every year because blood pressure is a strong risk factor. Unhealthy diets are a leading cause of death and disease globally, and excessive sodium intake is one of the main culprits.

Our hearts are like delicate instruments, and they need a perfect balance of electrolytes to keep the rhythm going strong. Enter "heart salt" – it's got the whole gang of electrolytes that your heart needs. Potassium, especially, steps up to neutralise the not-so-great effects of sodium, playing a crucial role in keeping your cardiovascular system singing a sweet tune.

Ever heard of magnesium? Well, it's like the teacher in heart salt. This mineral is all about reducing stress and improving the quality of your sleep. And you know what stress and lack of sleep can do? Mess with your heart. So, adding a sprinkle of heart salt to your life might just be the chill pill your heart's been silently begging for.

High blood pressure is not inevitable. The world has already changed its salt supply once: from regular salt to iodised salt. Not all salts are created equal, and heart salt is the rockstar of the bunch. Packed with minerals that your heart adores, it's a flavorful sidekick that's got your back on the road to a heart-healthy lifestyle. Next time you're reaching for the salt shaker, consider treating your heart to the good stuff – it might just send a little thank-you note your way!

Switch now and grab your heart salt at Medcart!

Medical News Today. (n.d.). Salt. Retrieved on 31 Jan 2024 from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/146677#uses

ABC News. (n.d.). Potassium Enriched. Retrieved on 31 Jan 2024 from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-30/salt-alternative-potassium-reduce-blood-pressure-/103401902

Stuff. (n.d.). Heart Salt. Retrieved on 31 Jan 2024 from https://www.stuff.co.nz/culture/350162810/replacing-table-salt-heart-salt-could-save-thousands-lives

9News. (n.d.). Potassium-Enriched Salt. Retrieved on 31 Jan 2024 from


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